Here are my two cute kids being the reluctant models for their scarves I made. THESE are way easy to make. I mean can you sew in a straight line - 3 times in a row?? kind of easy. I was hoping my friend Liberty (who may also contribute here when she gets her computer/internet working again) had posted these on her website Liberty's Layouts but it looks like she hasn't had a chance. So since she hasn't, I can't link this to anyone's website because she is the one who gave me one (it's multi colored and soooo WAY CUTE) and I am not sure where she got the idea. BUT here it is, buy about 1/3 yard of fleece (12 inches or so). Then cut in half lengthwise (6 inches for each piece.) Then sew down the middle lengthwise and then next to that stitch about 1 inch on each side then clip (like you do when you make fringe on fleece blankets.) And wal-la about the fastest cute scarf you ever did make.
{did I make any sense? so the scarf should be 6 inches by the width of the material ~generally about 60 inches or so. You clip about every 1 inch.} I made these with scraps and I think they are about 5 or 6 inches by 30 or 40 inches - depending on the leftover material. Perfect for my little munchkins.
UPDATE: Liberty has updated her blog to include the link she used to make the scarves. Here the LINK to Liberty's blog. Check it OUT!!

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