I wanted to make a board to hold my running bibs and medals {even though I only have one right now, I am planning on getting more!}. I looked on Pinterest and got a few ideas, but I wanted it to be a little different so I made a few changes, of course....I can never leave well enough alone!!!
I started with a piece of pine that is 36" long and 5 1/2" tall. I took a chisel and roughed up the edges of my wood and then painted my board all black. After it dried, I painted it with two or three coats of turquoise. I love how the black shows through in the spots where I chiseled it. {I tried not to get the turquoise in those spots too much so I didn't have to sand them out}.
I also sanded the edges and then painted them with a little black paint on my finger. {Just to emphasize the black a little more}.
Then I had to do some math and figure out how it was all going to work....and I had to find knobs that would work for my medals {I didn't want just nails}, I wanted something different. I found these knobs at Wal-mart and they were PERFECT! {They were about $6 per package and I needed 3 of them}.
Amy helped me cut out the vinyl on the Silhouette, it says
"The miracle isn't that I finished, it's that I had the courage to start"
I LOVE how it turned out!!
I just measured our bibs and left about 8" on each end for the clips and the bibs, I put the knobs 2 1/2" apart across the board and got 6 knobs on it.
I had originally planned to hang it in our living room above the desk, but I didn't like it there so we decided to hang it up in our bedroom {good thing it's turquoise too}. We LOVE it, and can't wait to fill it up with bibs and medals!!
And No, Jason hasn't run any races yet, but we are registered for the Downers Grove Turkey Trot together on Thanksgiving morning!! Should be fun.