Sorry about the not so great picture. I was trying to take this before I sent the kids off to school. I spent most of last night trying to get it done. Kirsten's Student teacher is having her last day today and the last couple of weeks have been way to busy to get anything done. So I scrambled to the store yesterday thinking I would just get her a gift card or give her some handmade cards I already have made, but when I was there I saw this tote bag that was a blank canvas. I had seen this idea on UCreate and thought - I can do that. And it will be easy. I cut the fabric into 4 inch strips and roll hemmed the edges both top and bottom. Then got out my ruffler and ruffled the top edge on both. Followed the instructions from Ucreate and then added the pink rickrack. I was trying to figure out what type of bow to make when I remembered I had seen a rickrack rose and thought. Perfect. That is just what I wanted.
I found the tutorial at Crafting Chicks. They are pretty easy to make. I loved how it looks on the bag.
The tote bag was only $3 at Joann's (with my coupon) and all the rest of the stuff was scraps. It was practically free. LOVE IT!!
Kirsten was so impressed this morning. She said. That Ms. D loves pink and black. (Guess I am just lucky. All I knew was that she liked pink.) This turned out pretty cute and I am thinking I might need to make one for Peter's teacher and teacher aide. We will see, I have two weeks to get those done and the one I bought material for Mrs. Duffy.
Speaking of not getting anything done. I had to wipe away the cobwebs from this blog. It has been awhile since either of us have posted. It has been a slight dry spell around here. Not much crafting. More pinning then crafting I might say. But this has been the kick in the pants I needed. It was so much fun to make things and see your handiwork loved by your daughter. Now on to the house work. That won't do itself.