Well, are you interested?
Here is the scoop:
- Date: TUESDAY, April 24th
- Time: 9 am to noon
- Projected time to complete: about 1 to 1 1/2 hours - (You might be able to do more then one?!?! Mother's day idea anyone. Birthday, Christmas?)
- Location: Woodridge Church building
- Cost: $10
- Size is about 12 inches wide by 15 inches tall
- WE NEED TO KNOW if you are interested in making one of these by Tuesday, April 17th - We have to order a couple things online and need a little bit of a cushion to make sure they are here.
What do you need to bring?
- 3 or 4 coordinating papers (1 or 2 of each)
- Embellishments to match: Ribbons, bows, flowers, metal accessories, bling, buttons, etc
Optional: (If you have these then bring them, don't go out and buy these items. We will have extras on hand.)
- Paper cutter, scissors
- Spray adhesive
If you are not interested in making a menu planner, you can come and do something else with the items. We are supplying the metal board, magnets, epoxy stickers, bottle caps, modge podge, etc. You can come up with what ever you think of. Maybe a FHE board, a chore chart, or what ever else your heart desires.
Please respond to Amy at amy (dot) kirstensmom at gmail.com if you are interested.One last thing. The days of the week are going to be printed before hand. We need to know if you would like them red like the example or what color. We will probably print up a couple in black and brown. If you have color preference then let me know that too.
Here is a sample of the days of the week.
Here is the original idea and a link to the site where Diana found it. http://heartlandpaper.typepad.com/heartland_paper/2010/08/menu-planner-on-studio-5.html
Another sample of how you can make it look. This one is from Diana's sister. So cute!
Edited to add:
Here is a picture of what we could use for a chore chart. Let us know what type you want.
(Designed using a digital kit from the Ettes. Here is a link to the shop if you want to buy it.)