Happy Valentine's day! I saw this idea on the Becky Higgins Blog awhile back and decided I wanted to do it. Especially since I have a baby with cute feet. I had to use my Picasa program to put it together instead of Photoshop since my computer is on the fritz. The paper in the background is from Persnickity Prints called vintage love. It turned out sooo cute. Here is another way I put it together.

Here are a couple of Valentine's ideas that I have wanted to do with Liberty, but between the two of us we have been sick for over a month (different things and times that overlap.) So we (my kids and I) worked on these today. I think they turned out pretty cute.
This wood block idea was on Under my Umbrella, it was pretty easy and we wanted to try it out. Easy and Fun. Kirsten was pretty impressed.
This idea started with this post from Brown Paper Packages but I took it to a different level. I really love conversation hearts. And so this was the perfect blend of the project I saw and the idea in my head. I wanted mine to look like true conversation hearts. Now I wish I had made these earlier this month, but oh well. Life is just like that some days. I found the paper at JoAnn's it is a solid color with glitter on it.
They are both super cute! Too bad we didn't get them done before Valentines was over....oh well, it will be here again next year!!!