Okay now isn't she cute? She is modelling a valentine's day binkie clip that I can now cross off my TO DO list. I didn't just make one. You know they get dirty and also you can never have enough binkie's around. So I made 4.
Two have the same pattern on one side but a different matching pattern on the other. I found the tutorial at Sew, Mama, Sew! My only change was I used a snap instead of the Velcro. I think it will stay together better, especially since Esther loves to pull it out occasionally.
I also test ran a pattern for baby blocks. I had some left over material that seemed perfect for baby blocks. Full of texture and different colors. Don't know if she likes them yet - the jury is still out. (Although Kirsten and Peter can be found playing with them.) There is a pretty good tutorial on Flickr by London mommy. I didn't really change anything on this except I made one with 4 inch squares and one with 5 inch. I'm not sure if it is my stuffing job or just the stuffing that makes them so round looking. I know that the black fabric is a bit stretchy. Oh, well my kids will play with them and probably never notice.
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