
Saturday, February 6, 2010

could you fix that please?

I wanted to add a few inches to my shower curtain to make it reach the floor {probably about 6"}....BUT then last week when I was cleaning my bathroom, I got bleach on it...DANG....and it's only 6 months I had to cut it a little higher and add more fabric. It turned out super cute.

I ended up adding 20" to the bottom, and then with the hem and sewing it to the shower curtain, it's about 18" finished size. I had to piece it together because I need it 72" wide and you can't buy anything that big in what I I made 3 pieces, the middle piece is 22" and then each side piece is equal to made the width of the shower curtain and include the hem on the edge. It was super easy to make. I added some buttons and hung it up. Fixed. And crossed of the never ending list.

{sorry it's soooo wrinkly in the picture, I was too lazy to iron it again}

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