
Saturday, February 6, 2010

I LOVE bags.....really LOVE bags....

I have lots of different sizes, shapes, kinds and colors. I use them for all different kinds of things...I have a church bag, a cub scout bag, a scripture bag, etc....and I love them all....but most especially I like pockets. I like everything to have it's own pocket. I like everything in it's place. {it's just how I like it}

I got a new bag for my birthday, that I really liked. It's cute and trendy. It's made of fabric and it's washable. I really LIKE it...but it was a little too small....and the pockets are too big and fall open and it's just not quite I've been thinking since before Christmas that I wanted to make me a new bag. I wanted to make sure it's exactly what I wanted and that all my pockets would work....

Today was sewing day at Amy's house, so I decided to work on my new bag. Luckily she made several scripture bags for Christmas presents and had worked out all the it was pretty easy.

I LOVE how it turned out. It's's red {seriously, what else do I need} and it has perfect pockets {mostly because I measured everything and made them so they would fit exactly what I wanted to go in them}. YES...I know I'm crazy.

Seriously, could it be any cuter? I LOVE's so much fun. Too bad I have to get back to my real job now. Thanks Amy for teaching me and for "playing" with me.


  1. Do you have a pattern for this that you could share?

  2. Ditto to Doran and Jody's comment. So where's the pattern or tutorial!!?? Thanks!

  3. I would be happy to put together a tutorial and give you the dimensions. I have been working out some of the things I didn't like about it will be perfect for you. I will get it finished asap.

  4. That really is a fabulous bag, stumbled upon your blog for the first time tonight... really enjoying it!
