
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

...another Valentines Project when I posted my last Valentines wall mom fell in LOVE with it and wanted to know if I would make one for her....uhm, sure.....oh and she doesn't need it for this year....but maybe if you have time. {mostly kidding} It was as much my fault as hers, I found some other fabric that I liked as well or maybe I was happy to sell mine to her and make me a new one. It's the same idea and was even faster this time {I've practiced once}. I LOVE how it turned out. It's not that I didn't like the first one....loved it to....but, I love this Heidi Grace fabric...and the hot pink and black.

I did a few things different, this time instead of making loops and then making bows to go on the loops, I just made long strips of fabric and tied them around the bar, like ribbon.

I also added batting behind my letters and just straight stitched them on, instead of trying to zig-zag over the top of them.....following inspiration found here.

Did the same with the hearts....all straight stitching...and added some around a few of the blocks.

you probably can't tell that the V is crooked, but I can and everytime I look at it, it bothers me. Oh well. I'm going to let it go. REALLY. I am NOT going to let it bother me. {my inner voice says...repeat until you believe it!}

and YES, I made new towels too...she needed the matching ones, right?

1 comment:

  1. wow, I am really really impressed with how quickly you can crank out something like this. This is so amazing! And both the wall hangings are adorable. You have some great Valentine's crafts. I have a newborn craft blog too I would love for you to check Thanks!
