
Friday, January 1, 2010

A Birthday Banner . . .

. . . . Seems appropriate for the birth of a new blog.  I have been him-hawing around trying to decide where to start.  This is kind of crazy but I wanted a place to show my creativity and the projects I have been working on.  My sewing group was sitting around and I was talking about creating a blog about my adventures in sewing, crafting and scrapbooking.  It just seemed natural to start a blog.  As we were talking I said but most of the ideas I do are already on the web . . . so why another one?  Basically I like to reDesign other peoples ideas and make them my own.  {Hence the blog name.}  I tweek them a bit and they come out marvelously.  I already have both a family blog and a Project 365 blog where I take a picture a day.  But I didn't want to bog those blogs down with my "creative" adventures.  I also wanted a place to just blab about how cool these ideas I find are and how I make them different then what you see.  If I do something that isn't out there on the web I'm sure I will be so excited about it and tell you. 

So about that Birthday banner I promised.  Well it isn't a new idea but it was a combination of See Mama Sew's Birthday Banner Tutorial and Kirsten's Creations Happy Birthday Garland Tutorial .  I have a girl and a boy and knew that the girl would want pink and purple but no way the boy would like that.  So I made it with both - I mean it's reversible. . .



I made both the letters and the white pendants from felt.  {I wish I would have used black for the girl side letters but I can't change it now:(  }  The rest are just bits and pieces of fabric I had around the house.  The difference from the tutorials is that to get the pendants to look right on the front and the back I used a bit of Wonder under on the back of the triangles to secure them together before I sewed. (After the letters had been sewn on, that is.)  That helped it to not move when being sewn.

Anyway it was a lot of fun to make them and I know that Kirsten is pretty excited to use them for her party on Saturday.

Here are a couple close ups of the banner.



  1. Love how your banner turned out! And love, love that you made it double-sided! So cool, and a great idea for a blog, too. Thanks for mentioning my blog!

  2. Thanks for sharing these, I need to make some re-usable banners, and reversible is genius! Thanks for putting up my button! I'm excited to see all the fun stuff this blog promises! :)
