
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A New Year - Time for those Resolutions

I have to admit, I do it every year.  Make resolutions.  I tried a couple of years ago to stop doing it, but it didn't work.  I ended up starting my list- just later.   It's like a drug.  It makes you feel all excited and then over time it wears off.  It's just going to happen ever year - I have to get over it. 

So Liberty and I were talking about our goals and we have a similar goal in relation to our creative endeavors, IE, our never ending list of things we want to make.  Our collective goal is to accomplish 2 or 3 unfinished projects before we can actually start a NEW project.  So what do we have on that list????  Do you really want to know???  I don't want to keep you in suspense . . .  BUT here is OUR short list.

To Do:
  •  Finish our Nativities we started before Christmas
(needs to be sanded and fix glue in spots and maybe another coat of mod podge - and Liberty has to print hers out and do the above.)
  • Cut out and Paint wood nativity pieces like this one

  • Put paper and embellishments on our Easter wood letters we bought last year (do this by March)
  • Make one more wood project with 2x4's for Valentine's day
  • And to be truthful - here is the link to my vi.sulize account and to Liberty's for the never ending projects we would like to do - some day (not actually on our list yet - BUT SOON!  We have to complete 2 or 3 of the above)
But to be fair, here is the short list of what I want to do and a picture of the new boards I am going to make all pretty for the to do list in my craft room.  (I was just testing out how they worked before I did everything and didn't love how the pens wrote on them - or something like that.)

Amy's list in no particular order:
  • To Do list white boards (see above)
  • Diaper bag
  • Binkie clip
  • Print project 365 pics from end of 2010 and journaling from both 2009 and 2010
  • Make window covering for Study
  • Hem and put up Family room curtains
  • Peter's baby book
  • Advent calendar wall hanging
  • Make birthday and thank you cards
  • and on and on and on  ( I have more but I'm a bit embarrassed to admit how many things are on my want to do list.  Some have been on there a long time.)

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