
Monday, October 11, 2010

Baby Burp Cloths

I am getting really close to having this baby.  Actually unless she comes early I only have 18 days left until my scheduled c-section.  So I have been doing a little bit of nesting.  I really don't need cute burp cloths but I saw some on the web and decided that I would make some.  I really should be finishing up other projects that I need to get done before she gets here but these are super easy and took just a little bit of time.  It also used up some of my scraps and ribbon I have been collecting.  I bought the cloth diapers at Walmart and then cut the fabric to cover the center section.  Because I am lazy I just pinned on the fabric and then when I added the ribbon or ric rac I just sewed across both hoping I would catch the fabric underneath.  I folded the ends in to make it look nicer and serged the edge under the ribbon to help it be more finished.

Here are some of the other ones I made.  I just love some of the color combinations.  Although I really loved my collection of brown, pink and white.  (Please ignore that I didn't iron them before I took the picture. I figured I would probably have to wash them before I could use them and so what's the use of ironing them?)
Aren't they cute?  I love that I have so many cute options when this baby spits up.  Which if she is like her siblings we will need more then this set of 12. :(


  1. I love your burpers! Where do you get the diapers? There are so many different kinds of diapers ie size, weight, quality. How did you decide on which to use?

  2. I bought the diapers at Wal-mart. They are Gerber Pre-folded Birdseye Cloth Diaper 12-Pack, White. I didn't really look at anything else. I just wanted something that would absorb spit up. Hope that helps.
